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Brown Grass and Increased Weeds are Often the Result of Overwatering Your Lawn

Did you know that overwatering your lawn during the summer months can be just as detrimental to its health as underwatering it? That’s right; if you’re overwatering your lawn, you’re not just wasting water. In fact, you’re most likely causing stunted root growth and even altering the pH levels within your soil. So, if you’re noticing that your lawn is browning and weeds are ever-increasing, then it could be a direct result of overwatering your lawn. While most everyone is familiar with a brown lawn being associated with underwatering, your lawn can suffer heavily if your sprinkler system is running too long and during or after a rain storm. If you’d like to know how to keep your lawn looking lush and green all year long in Norman, OK, and surrounding areas, call Conserva Irrigation of North Oklahoma today at (405) 896-5739.sprinkler services

If you’ve ever wondered why people put lime on their lawn, the precise reason for doing this is to bring the pH levels back away from being acidic. You’ll often see a substantial number of weeds thriving, while your grass is slowly dying off or becoming more and more sparsely populated. That’s because overwatering your lawn actually causes your lawn to become more acidic and deprives your grass of much needed nutrients – this is especially true during the hotter summer months, which are already upon us. If you don’t have a rain sensor and your irrigation system’s controller seems like a calculus equation to simply adjust the run times, then call the local professionals at Conserva Irrigation. We’ll show you how smart irrigation technology can assist your sprinkler system in keeping your lawn looking great all year long.technician at conserva

Again, we are a nationally-backed, locally-owned and operated irrigation company with years and yeasrs of experience. We also offer every single new customer a 100% free irrigation system inspection. This allows us to determine all of the critical repair needs in your system, as well as show you where you can benefit from newer, more autonomous, smart irrigation technology. Wouldn’t it be nice if your sprinkler system “knew” the correct amount of water that your lawn needs? With smart irrigation technology, that’s an easy accomplishment.

Call Conserva Irrigation of North Oklahoma City today to claim your free sprinkler system inspection at (405) 896-5739 or fill out our contact form anytime. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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