While it may not be starkly apparent, your sprinkler system needs maintenance in order to ensure that it’s operating effectively and efficiently all year long. For example, winterizing your sprinkler system is a key component of sprinkler system maintenance. Failing to do this simple task can result in catastrophic damage to your system. Furthermore, wouldn’t it be nice to have an irrigation company that stops by to inspect your system throughout the year to ensure it’s operating at peak performance? Think of it as a yearly “check-up” of your system, from top to bottom.

As you’re more than likely aware, the sprinkler head in the image above has been completely destroyed. While this was destroyed during aeration, it can happen due to simply mowing the lawn! You would be surprised at the small things that can break your sprinkler heads. If you’re like most, you probably run your irrigation system very early in the morning and rarely ever see it in action. If that’s the case, how long do you think it would be before you noticed this enormous waste of water? Remember, we’re Your Sprinkler System Caretaker™ in Bethany, OK, and surrounding areas.

An additional benefit of our irrigation maintenance packages is that we’ll perform a full inspection of your system every time we arrive for scheduled maintenance. Let’s face it, your irrigation system isn’t going to age like a fine wine. In fact, it’s exposed to the elements 24 hours a day all year long. Furthermore, if you have heads near the curb, there’s always the possibility of a car rolling over it and crushing it or knocking it out of alignment. If your sprinkler head is spraying into the road or the sidewalk, it’s wasting enormous amounts of water. We’ll perform a check on each and every sprinkler head to ensure your system still has head-to-head coverage and we’ll ensure your rain senor and controller are working properly.
If you’re looking for a sprinkler system maintenance company, look no further than Conserva Irrigation of North Oklahoma City. Call us today at (405) 896-5739 or fill out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon!